Tidigare föredrag
VD, Tele2 Sverige
måndag, 10 februari 2014
Tele2 is all about challenge. We started off by challenging monopolies and established telecom players – and now we want to challenge you! On February 10th we will visit Chalmers for a day of events together with Chalmers Börssällskap, where you will get to know more about Tele2, meet Thomas Ekman, CEO for Tele2 Sweden and current trainees.
We would also like to invite you to participate in our Case Challenge. The winners will qualify for an interview for the Global Executive Trainee Program and a bonus prize. Don’t miss this opportunity - in fact, two of our former Executive Trainees, Niclas Palmstierna and Henrik Ringmar, went all the way and became CEOs of Tele2 Sweden and Tele2 Holland respectively.
Lunch presentation 12:00 – 13:00
Presentation by Thomas Ekman, CEO Tele2 Sweden and Trainees.
HB1, Hörsalsvägen
Lunch will be served to all attendees.
Tele2 Case Competition 13:15 – 18:00
Applications for the events
For the lunch presentation: See cbs.chalmers.se for further details
For the case competition: Send your CV to chalmerscase@tele2.com no later than Friday 31st of January.
Fri entré till alla våra evenemang.
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