Här nedan följer en inbjudan till alla Chalmers och GU studenter, via Chalmers Börssällskap och Börsgruppen, att delta i GCMS Trading days.
Kontakta i första hand GCMS enligt nedan eller Michail Mavromatis, CBS styrelse, på e-postadressen michail.mavromatis@localhost
GCMS will visit GU – Chalmers to hold a two-day course on October 7 – 8. This is the basic diploma program in trading and thereby suitable for everyone that would like to learn more about the capital markets. No previous trading experience is required, but the program is intense and will provide lots of hands-on experience.
The course will supply you with technical knowledge and a practical insight into banking. You will learn proven trading techniques and how to successfully execute them. The course is recommended for anyone considering trading or finance as a career.
The course will include 8 modules:
After completing the course you will receive the GCMS Trading Diploma. This diploma has been confirmed by graduates all over EU that it has helped them to secure jobs within well-known investment banks (such as HSBC, Nordea and Saxo Bank). See attached examples.
GCMS will kick-off the event by providing their trading e-book for free. It is written by Wayne Walker (Director of GCMS) and has received a great response.
GCMS is a Copenhagen based capital markets education firm with a well-known reputation as the leader in their field. Besides GU – Chalmers partnership, GCMS collaborates with almost every business school in the region, for example, Copenhagen Business School and Stockholm School of Economics.
To sign up for the course, register on the link below and transfer the fee as soon as possible to secure your seat. We limit the class to 35 participants.
Time and place:
University of Gothenburg
Oct 7 : 10.00 – 16.15
Oct 8 : 09.00 – 16.00
GU & Chalmers Univ students 800 SEK
Other students 900 SEK
General Public 2,500 SEK
Sign up and register here: http://g-cms.info/1-31-contact-us.html
Detailed diploma content information: http://g-cms.info/1-69-gcms-trading-diploma.html
Payment info: Bank transfer:
The full IBAN number – DK 9620006271639587, SWIFT – NDEADKKK
Nordea branch address:
Kongens Nytorv 28, 1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tlf. (+45) 33 70 25 03
FAQ’s: http://g-cms.info/1-84-faqs.html
Contact information: GCMS: (course questions) E-mail: Info@g-cms.info
Contact person: Michail Mavromatis
+46 (0) 769 25 85 18